For over a decade now, companies have been migrating to the cloud. And for all that time, 2nd Watch has been facilitating their digital journeys. Now 2nd Watch is sharing the distilled lessons from hundreds of migrations in the new e-book, Building a Foundation for the Enterprise Cloud: Lessons from the Digital Revolution. With over 80 percent of businesses now conducting business in the cloud, migration has become a competitive necessity. The cloud’s opportunities for increased agility, scalability, and efficiency have brought improved cost efficiencies of 50 to 70 percent over on-premises operations. But these achievements can only be reached with careful planning and execution of a cloud migration.

This new e-book shows how to seize the opportunities of the cloud while avoiding common pitfalls of migration. In just a few pages, Building a Foundation for the Enterprise Cloud quantifies the financial benefits migration can bring, and offers the five keys to a solid foundation for the cloud. It boils down the experience gained from over a decade of 2nd Watch cloud migrations into the four steps every successful migration must include. Finally, you’ll see how the Yamaha corporation is saving $500,000 a year on extra capacity purchases, reduced datacenter and hardware costs, and IT staff expenses—all by following the 2nd Watch migration plan.