The 30-day proof of concept guide

As SQL Server 2008 reaches end of support in July 2019, the need to update has been seen by many businesses as an opportunity to migrate to the cloud. The new e-book from Nordcloud and Microsoft, On-Ramp to Data Estate Modernisation, shows how you can use this moment of change to gain a greater competitive advantage by moving compute power and data to the cloud. This will ensure you continue to get critical security updates, reduce strain on your IT resources, and avoid some of the common but costly errors organisations have made in moving data to the cloud.

The e-book quantifies how the move to the cloud can benefit your organisation. It then walks you through a simple, three-step process to a data estate modernisation launchpad that takes you from defining your cloud goals to migrating your data and operations to the right cloud target environment. You’ll come away from On-Ramp to Data Estate Modernisation with a plan developed by a certified Microsoft Azure Expert MSP that sets you up not only for end of support for SQL Server 2008, but for the next change, and the next.