Studies show that women make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. While this is an improvement from the decades between 1960 and 1990, when women earned as little as 59 cents to every dollar a man earned, the pay gap persists.

Back in 2014, Xactly used its aggregated and anonymized data set to take a look at how various companies were paying their male and female salespeople. One would hypothesize that sales, being a pay-for-performance world, should show a narrower pay gap with discrepancies only based on performance, not gender. One would be wrong. We found that there was lower pay for sales reps, even when they hit their quotas and lower pay for sales managers, even though their teams perform better.

At Xactly, we firmly believe in pay equity and were interested in identifying changes and trends in the data since our initial 2014 Gender Pay Gap Study.