In the digital age, public safety organizations have an unprecedented opportunity to use data to support better informed decisions and make positive change. The question is where to start. Leaders can find help in the new e-book from Hexagon and Microsoft, The Public Safety Force Multiplier: Data—How Cloud-Enabled Digital Transformation Is Building Agile and Resilient Communities. In it, both administrative and political leaders will find practical guidance to transform public safety agencies into data-driven organizations. They’ll see ways to build connectivity for more efficient, effective operations, modernized interaction with the public, and more.

The Public Safety Force Multiplier guides civic leaders through strategies to overcome the most common barriers to transformative change. It then introduces them to the seven building blocks they will need to make data-driven decisions the norm, rather than the exception, using effective next-generation public safety strategies. Once the barriers are overcome and the necessary elements for better use of data are identified, the e-book lays out a four-step plan to enable a safe city. Readers will come away with a complete overview and plan introduction, ready to take action to launch their own organizations on a transformative journey to a more efficient and safer digital future.