Flawless app design using automated visual testing AI in the cloud

In the age of apps, users of all kinds—from consumers to employees—expect flawless performance from every interaction. It’s something they don’t feel they’re getting. In fact 87 percent of consumers feel that brands need to put more effort into providing a consistent experience, and it’s costing money. Brands that lead in consumer experience have seen a cumulative 43 percent gain in business performance. Visual quality assurance and testing are extremely difficult to ensure with virtually infinite different platforms, devices, browsers, and other variables that require testing. How do you guarantee a flawless experience without an army of QA professionals and testers? The answer is in the new e-book, Achieving visual perfection: Flawless app design using Visual Testing AI in the cloud from Applitools.

This new e-book reveals how artificial intelligence (AI) is driving a revolution in fast, error-free visual design review with 99.999 percent accuracy—and saving companies hundreds of thousands of dollars while doing it. Find out how AI is an ideal tool for checking thousands of versions, platforms, devices, executions in a tiny fraction of the time it would take to manually do the same work. Applitools demonstrates how they have improved coverage by up to 65%, increased release velocity by 40 percent, and boosted visual quality by 260 percent. These new solutions have even been shown to raise team satisfaction by four times. Achieving visual perfection gives a roadmap and examples for the future of perfect visual executions.