With organizations under more pressure than ever to identify, prevent and mitigate cyber risk, new strategies are required to address increasing and diversifying threat vectors. Gaining true visibility into the state of cyber risk requires organizations to address the need to protect people—internal and external—against attacks at three different levels.

Now powered with the visibility of VAP identities, CISOs and their
cybersecurity teams can effectively address three major problem
areas in today’s enterprise:
• Identifying and thwarting email and web-based threats,
particularly phishing attacks fueled by social engineering.
• Protecting cloud services and accounts used by employees,
whether at the office, at home or on the road.
• Ensuring that the organization has a comprehensive
cybersecurity framework, embracing people, processes and
technologies in an integrated, intelligent and automated
This paper looks at why each of these areas is critical for ensuring
end-to-end cybersecurity threat visibility and protecting the
organization’s VAP, and offers some specific recommendations on
how to do that