In the digital age, organizations have unprecedented visibility into entire domains of enterprise function. ERP, CRM, HR, and others all have solutions that enable quantum leaps in transparency and insight. However, a critical cross-enterprise view is still missing. Ensuring real intelligence and profitability requires a bigger-picture lens that encompasses pricing, ERP, and CRM applications. This requires coordination of multiple vantage points that include both the buyer and seller’s side. Even a single promotion or pricing strategy can affect your sales—and those of your trading partners. The new e-book from Flintfox shows you how to get a real-time view of all those interdependencies.

The e-book, entitled The world through a single lens: The revolution in unified ERP, CRM, and TRM describes the methods Flintfox has developed to help you achieve a higher level of coordination across business systems using Trade Revenue Management (TRM) as an extension of the powerful Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP and CRM solutions. It clearly defines TRM and its importance as a keystone in to true understanding of current and future ROI. The e-book outlines how to put together an effective TRM solution that unifies current systems for a cross-platform, all-data view of real-time performance—and how you can build it for your own enterprise with minimal resource use on the familiar Microsoft Dynamics 365 platform. It’s a real-world solution proven to boost enterprise performance that you can implement starting now.