Decision makers today rely on data-driven insight just as much as experience or instinct. While most business software is built with rudimentary reporting capabilities, business users are now demanding a broader and deeper set of tools to exploit data and enhance their decisions.

As a result, solution providers and Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) have taken notice and made efforts to bolster their solutions with a greater breadth of powerful analytical capabilities. Done right, this approach brings about enhanced data literacy in their customers and offers several pathways to growth.

In this webinar, Aberdeen’s Senior V.P. of Research Mike Lock will discuss key findings on embedded analytics, including:

  • Top challenges around data complexity and decision urgency
  • The user impact of an embedded approach to analytics
  • Leading strategies to embed analytics and empower customers
  • ISV Performance implications of effective embedded BI, including customer growth and average deal size

Aberdeen is joined by Qlik’s Director of Product Marketing, Embedded Analytics, Catherine Frye, to provide their perspectives on the changing landscape of embedded analytics, emerging use cases and check lists to consider during an embedded analytics evaluation. Qlik also discusses their portfolio options for addressing an organization’s range of embedded needs and highlight a few unique approaches customers, are utilizing with Qlik today to advance their embedded initiatives.