Even if you’re using VDI, provisioning and managing physical PCs is painful – especially for distributed organizations. Procurement, provisioning, logistics of shipping, not to mention the security risk of all that enterprise data floating around on laptops. All of that has changed with breakthrough thinking from Workspot. Whether you’re still managing physical PCs or using a legacy VDI system, Workspot cloud desktops on Microsoft Azure can open the door to new use cases, offering simplicity, performance, and scale that is unprecedented.  

Download the new e-book from Workspot and Microsoft, The Future of the Desktop Is in the Cloud,  to learn the top five ways Workspot cloud desktops on Azure are altering the face of desktop management. You’ll discover how WorkSpot gives you: 

  • A turnkey solution for massively increased business agility—setup in minutes, not weeks 
  • Better-than-desktop performance to power new use cases 
  • Reduced desktop TCO by 30% leveraging the Azure cloud  
  • Unprecedented ease of security and compliance for endpoint devices