Research results demonstrate the return on investment generated by automated cloud-based legal hold software

E-discovery is expensive, but the risks of not handling it are even more costly. Many legal teams tend to focus their cost-reduction efforts on later phases of discovery, such as processing and review, overlooking the benefits of optimizing the preservation process. Yet putting in the effort to preserve and collect the right data has a trickle-down effect, saving money and time in every step that follows while minimizing potential spoliation. The question is, just how much can you save with effective preservation?

If your business is still using outdated legacy software or, worse, an error-prone and time-consuming manual system of emails and spreadsheets to issue legal holds and track compliance, it’s time to upgrade. We partnered with Hobson & Company to research the average return on investment (ROI) generated by Zapproved’s Legal Hold Pro®. Now the numbers are in, and they’re impressive!

This article breaks down the results and explains the benefits of replacing your existing system — or lack thereof — with automated, cloud-based legal hold software.