Forms are integral to the service wealth management firms provide, but they’re also a barrier to building great relationships. Find out how to overcome this hurdle!

Can you imagine onboarding a new client or opening a new account without a stack of forms? Whether product-specific or client-specific, forms are integral to everything from 401Ks and mutual funds to stock brokerage accounts, life insurance policies, and real estate investments. Use the wrong form or miss an essential field, and you run into compliance issues that slow down business and decrease profitability. Many forms also require the same information over and over again, or are hard to understand, which can create major issues in advisor/client relationships. Today’s consumers expect a great user experience, including digitization of everyday activities, like filling out forms. 

Download this white paper to understand how firms like yours can sign on new clients and manage accounts without stacks of overwhelming forms and the barriers they create. You’ll learn how to easily ensure:

  • Advisors use the correct version of each form
  • Paperwork is completed correctly the first time
  • Advisors have more time for building relationships with clients
  • And more…

Discover how your firm can improve accuracy and efficiency for all types of data entry, from client onboarding and document management to advisor transitions!