With business networks already supporting an array of mobile devices and remote workers – often on a global scale – many IT executives expect their bandwidth demands to only accelerate, surpassing 10 Gbps by 2020.

That’s just one of the findings in the iboss Security in a Remote Access World report, which surveyed members of the C-Suite and IT executives at large enterprises across the U.S. The findings illustrate that that the conversation about distributed businesses goes beyond just beefing up network infrastructure and increasing budgets for IT hardware.

Other key findings of the report include:

  • Despite the growth in cloud-based solutions, most companies continue to invest in on-prem security appliances, and will increase their spending in the future
  • The majority of respondents will continue relying on VPN capacity to address growing bandwidth requirements
  • The majority of stakeholders in the C-Suite and in IT agree that changes need to be made to enhance the network, even if their perspectives on the issue don’t align