How you can consistently do your best work and deliver one-on-one client service

Small law firms live with the dilemma of how to deliver personal service with limited resources every day. Clients demand a feeling of exclusive service that a small or one-person practice can provide; yet they also insist that you provide a level of expertise, productivity, and capability that usually only comes from much larger firms. So, how do you provide both? Thomson Reuters provides a workable solution in the new eBook, Solving the Small Firm’s Daily Dilemma for Good.

The new eBook, by Thomson Reuters and Microsoft, introduces Practical Law, a solution that allows you both one-on-one time with clients as well as the ability to draw on the know-how of experienced attorneys in virtually any area of the law. Practical Law gives small practices resources such as practice notes, matter maps, and document templates that are created and continually updated by expert attorneys. These tools allow you to do your best work with confidence while operating with the expertise of a much larger law firm—all without adding headcount. Tap into the know-how of more than 280 attorney editors, as well as document resources for dynamic and up-to-date templates you can create or alter in a fraction of the time it would take to create them yourself. Discovering Practical Law could change the way you practice.