Legacy secure web gateway (SWG) technology hasn’t kept pace with the way organizations are doing business today. With increasing numbers of remote offices and mobile workers, securing an organization now requires a fundamentally different approach. This white paper explores why traditional SWG approaches aren’t cutting it, and how iboss has solved this problem by redefining the way cybersecurity is delivered and managed.

Read this white paper to learn:

* How most organizations today have shifted from centralized to distributed operations, and what that change means from a cybersecurity perspective.
* How that change has created deficiencies in the traditional secure web gateway approach and how other strategies don’t get organizations where they need to be.
* How a new model, pioneered by iboss, gives organizations the features, performance, and economic benefits they need to secure their distributed data, applications and users, with flexibility that will allow them to always keep pace with their future cybersecurity needs at a predictable investment.