AI:rchitect Series

If you are using Cisco and Aruba controllers for Wi-Fi, we know a lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into the deployment, configuration, and management of your WLAN. New cloud-based solutions (leveraging microservices) can provide several advantages, but how do you get from the old WLAN world to the new one with the least amount of time and pain? We’ll show you how.

Download the latest AI:rchitect series webinar, where we will deep dive into:

  • WLAN software architectures: Monolithic vs Microservices
  • Network architectures: How to preserve key design principles (VLAN trunking)
  • Tips for simplifying new AP deployment and configuration
  • Integration with ClearPass, ISE, and similar products
  • Leveraging APIs for seamless integration into existing backend tools
  • Using AI and automation for proactive troubleshooting and support