A Workbook to Accelerate your Sales Performance Management Journey

The sales world is evolving. The reality is: buyers are changing how they buy, forcing sales organizations to adapt selling methodologies rapidly in order to stay ahead of the competition.

Traditionally, sales leaders have looked to the newest CRM software and other sales management technologies to maintain a competitive edge, but today, that’s not enough. Perhaps the biggest change is that sales leaders are quickly recognizing the core of sales performance lies with their people, specifically salespeople, and not solely in processes. And salespeople continue to be driven by innate motivators— namely, money and recognition.

This requires sales organizations to drive the behaviors of their sales teams to unleash their potential. To do this effectively, businesses must eliminate internal planning silos. Planning, analysis, and decision making must all be done collaboratively with finance and sales in unison—and data insights as the driver. When done correctly, organizations achieve continuous optimization of sales plans and get the best performance out of their teams.

By implementing Sales Performance Management (SPM) processes, companies can plan, incentivize, and analyze sales performance more efficiently. Effective SPM helps leadership leverage data and access realtime analytics for deeper visibility and proactive planning. In fact, according to Gartner, companies using SPM solutions see 12.5 percent higher overall sales productivity and performance.

This workbook will cover common SPM issues, proactive solutions, and best practices to help companies identify strengths and areas for improvement, maximize efficiencies and ROI, and improve overall sales performance. Each section of the workbook also contains self-assessment questions that will help guide your SPM journey.