Email is a very crowded channel, with more and more of it loading our inboxes every day. Trouble is, most marketers keep to the old habits of 1:many email blasts—too frequently. And with that, you’re probably seeing a decline in both engagement metrics and overall subscriber growth. So, how do you cut through the noise to improve your metrics—and ultimately engage your recipient to actually want to open and engage with your email?

The answer is 1:1 personalization in email.

According to Marketing Land, personalized messages generate six times more transactions than their non-personalized counterparts. Which is why, if you aren’t already personalizing your email content based on user data, it’s time to start. No easy task, unless you have a CDP.

Whether your goal is to increase cross-channel engagement or ROI, Lytics can help you target customers based on their behavior – an approach that’s proven to drive real engagement. Join Angel Jones—Lytics client consultant—to understand how you can improve the personalization and relevancy of your email campaigns.

Watch this webinar to learn how to:

  • Leverage personalized content within your marketing or transactional messages.
  • Increase engagement through behavioral scores and content affinity data.
  • Identify opportunities for refinement.
  • Win the hearts and minds of your email audience