Delivering on customer satisfaction and driving customer loyalty is crucial in both business-to-business (B2B) and businessto-consumer (B2C) companies. Successful manufacturers and wholesale distributors are discovering that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems help drive positive customer interactions, create a competitive advantage and build more loyalty over time.

This is even more important in the face of competitors like Amazon, who have revolutionized the expectations of anyone buying anything at any time. Once only a B2C player, the company’s
Amazon Business marketplace has features that bring Amazon’s selection, convenience and value to businesses, and Amazon Business is now a major competitor for manufacturers and wholesale distributors. This “consumerization” of business buying means your B2B customers now demand an Amazon-like experience from your company as well. However, many manufacturers and distributors aren’t investing enough in improving their customer experience in the face of the Amazon Business threat.

“Too many businesses are stuck in a routine, doing what they’ve been doing for years,” said Mike Marks, managing partner of Indian River Consulting Group and a member of the National Association of Wholesale-Distributors’ Institute for Distribution Excellence Fellows.