The modern workplace feels more and more like a jungle, and IT leaders have it particularly rough trying to navigate through countless obstacles to align their work with the business’ priorities. IT and PMO groups are pressured more than ever to demonstrate efficiencies, cost savings, productivity improvement, and overall value to the organization, and all in an environment that’s more siloed and complex than years past. All the status meetings, spreadsheets, and emails in the world don’t seem to make any difference. At the end of the day, traditional project management tools are not cutting it.

Fortunately, the Workfront Enterprise Work Management solution helps IT professionals and Project Management Offices rule over all projects in one place for better visibility into their work. Read this report to find out how Workfront customers are conquering the four most common enterprise IT problems:

• Lack of project visibility

• Decreased productivity

• Miscommunication and impaired collaboration

• Inefficient resource management